Wi t h t h i s u n i q u e w e a p o n i n h i s h a n d s , h e c o u l d n o t b e va n q u i s h e d. Excalibur Saber IV 4 Electronic Chess Game 73 Power Levels With Teach Mode.Sion to your Alexandra computer for increasedT h e l e g e n da ry K i n g A r t h u r b r a n d i s h e d a m ag i c s wo r d , E x ca l i bu r , f ro m w h i c h w e ta k e o u r c o m pa n y na m e. (2) Total Ratings 2, 56.99 New. King Arthur Excalibur Model 915 Electronic Chess Game 100 Complete Great Shape. Specifications: King height: 3 5/8' King base: 1 1/2' Queen height: 3' Queen base: 1 1/2' Bishop height: 2 5/8' Bishop base: 1 3/8' Knight height: 2 3/8' Knight base: 1 Do! Talking and sound effects add another dimen-Excalibur Deluxe Electronic Chess Game 73 Levels 1750 Rating. Gold Tip Bolts Ballistic Pro 22.Perfect for promotional use or any one of hundreds of different uses for chess pieces besides playing chess.
Make sure that the positiveTip of each battery matches up with the + sign in the battery compart-Ment so that polarity will be correct. Note the arrangement of the batteriesCalled for by the diagram in the holder. Replace the door and set theWith the chess computer facedown, find the door marked “BAT-TERY DOOR.” Open it and insert three (3) fresh, alkaline AA bat-Teries in the battery holder. Find the door marked “PIECE COMPARTMENT DOOR.”Open it and remove the chess pieces. T h e A l e x a n d r a t h e G r e atTa l k i n g C h e s s C o m p u t e r i s a n o t h -E r u n m at c h e d i n n o vat i o n o fTurn your chess computer over carefully with its chessboard face-Down.
The display will showCates you are at the first move of the game and ready to play chess.